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My Ferrett ate a portion of a sock

21 10:37:51

Sonny often takes sock hides them then chews off small portion, I can usually tell when he is up to something as he is quiet and not into something for too long.
This weekend he ate a portion of the rim of a sock and I noticed this morning he didn't seem up for playing as he usually does. Immediately checked his litter box and his poop was irregular and there was a lot of wet spots and it looked like he had passed some of the sock. I got him to drink some water and about 10 minutes later he was vomiting liquid then I realized his litter was wet because he must have been vomiting in the middle of the night when he would drink water. Even after he vomited he seemed to want water, he is lethargic. I ready about Vetasyl and Ferretlax. I am picking up pumpkin and baby chicken food, as he eats that when he is under the weather but I know its not a cold and rather the sock! I'm trying not to panic as I do as soon as he shows illness but I'm worried. I hope to hear back from you very soon.

Dear Xochitl:

So sorry to hear that Sonny ate part of a sock.  Unfortunately, if he cannot even hold water down, it is URGENT that you get him to a vet IMMEDIATELY.  This one is NOT something to try to fix at home.  If it were my ferret I would take him to a vet IMMEDIATELY.  He is going to need surgery to remove the blockage.  The longer you wait to get him in for surgery, the less likely he will live thru it, as he will get more weak and dehydrated as you try to get anything down him and he continues to vomit.

PLEASE, I urge you to take him in NOW.  If you do not, most likely he will be dead in less than 24-hours.  So sorry this reply is so negative, but there is only one solution to this problem.

Best of luck to him.  Please write again and let me know if he makes it thru surgery safely?  Please DO NOT try to fix this one at home.  Next time you write I can give you my special blockage treatment recipe,but even it will not work on a blockage of this degree. You have a very serious life threatening emergency on your hands.  I hope to hear from you again.  You and Sonny are in my thoughts and prayers today :-(  Godspeed,my friend!


Jacquie Rodgers