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Introducing new ferrets

21 10:45:55

I had 3 males, ages 2.5,5, and 5.5 yrs old.  I then introduced 2 younger females, both age 3.  I got them from a shelter, and they got to play before I took them all home.  They were slow to warm up to each other at first, then started to play.

When I returned home with them, the oldest male seems to be trying to show dominance or wrestle with the females - and they either run, wrestle back, or let out a quiet hiss.  No puffy tail, etc.  I'm sure it will take some time for everyone to settle down and get used to things, but I am worried about the hissing.  Could they be trying to establish a pecking order?  As long as no one gets hurt, will they be OK in the long run?  The females also seem more restless, like they're still getting used to their surroundings.  Some of them DO sleep together - which is a good sign.

Hi Danielle & kids:

Congratulations on your newly increased family!  You did good by letting your existing kids go with you to choose their new siblings! You're halfway there.

The reason they suddenly aren't so sure now that they are at home is that home smells like your kids.  I strongly recommend baths for ALL ferrets so they all smell the same, and launder all bedding - your solution is a very very simple one.  As soon as they all smell the same, they won't remember who was new and who was the old ones, but yes, there will be some hissing and even dragging and hard wrestling to establish a new pecking order.

The only time you should worry is if you see blood or if one is hurt bad enough to poop - THEN and ONLY THEN should you intervene.  They need to establish their own pecking order.  

Sounds like things will be fine just as soon as everything and everyone gets a bath :-)  It will be like magic.

Best of luck - enjoy!


Jacquie Rodgers