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ferret urination

21 10:49:16

can ferrets control when they pee? Or they like rats in the way that they just pee everywhere and can't control it? I looked online and couldnt find any anwsers

Hello Michael,

This is a very thoughtful question.  Unless the ferret has a medical condition that causes urinary incontinence, they are able to control their bladders and decided when and where to urinate.  They are much cleaner than hamsters, rats, guinea pigs or hedgehogs.   

Even if your ferret has to urinate VERY badly he will try his or her best not to pee on you!  They will wiggle and struggle to be put down, and if trained properly, will immediately go to to the litter box.  They are very clean animals, and unlike cats their urine and feces smell MUCH less.

Ferrets have a very high metabolism and will urinate/defecate approximately every 6 hours.  This is far more often than cats and dogs, but they can control their bladders extremely well.  They usually use corners as their preferred place to "do business" and are very clean animals, like cats.  Unlike hamsters and rats, they will stay as far away from the filth as possible!
If trained properly, a ferret will use a litter box *most* of the time.  Keep in mind that wood shavings are NOT appropriate bedding for ferrets.  These can be highly TOXIC and carefresh can be ingested to cause intestinal blockages.  A ferret's living quarters should have plenty of snuggly blankets, and linoleum or similarly covered floors.  Wire mesh is though on sensitive little ferret feet and can cause problems.  Also, linoleum is MUCH easier to clean.

Remember, ferrets should not be thought of as a cage pet.  They need interaction with you; at LEAST 4 hours of playtime every day.  They bond VERY closely with their owners, and will are lifelong friends and companions.  

I realize I answered much more than your question, but I like to be as thorough as possible.  Please let me know if you have any other concerns or questions.  Also, as a side note, proper nutrition is VITAL.  Please refer to the following link to make sure you are feeding a healthy diet.  It could save your little buddy from serious health problems later in life.

-Cindy P.