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bony baby ferret

21 11:01:13

my daughter has bought a baby ferret from a pet store. he is the cutest thing i've ever seen.he was born the week of sept.5,2004.he seems so thin.when i run my hand down his back i can feel his bones and his ribs. is this normal? he sleeps an awful lot but eats his food and drinks water.he seems to be having trouble chewing his pellets, so we have been adding hot water to it and mashing it up,he likes it.he is pooping and peeing fine also.i can't believe how flexible they are when sleeping.just worried about boniness

Hello Sue, First let me state I am not a vet but do know what this is, most ferrets in pet stores are boney as there food is expensive and they rarely get fed enough, just feed a good diet and he should fatten right up, be sure to offer as much food as he will eat daily, also if he isnt nuetereed be sure to have it done when he is six months old or he'll smell awful, he needs vaccines just like a dog be sure to get him the first three he needs this year..... he needs one every year after his first year, ferrets sleep on avrage 18/20 hours a day but when there up they are VERY actie, they are very bendy animals and seem to sleep very twisted up.