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play time

21 10:46:42

When it gets hot is it okay to fill a little baby pool and let them play while supervised? Also, I heard that you can give ferrets meat and cooked eggs. Do they actualy like that?

Hello again Madeline,

It is definitely okay for you to fill a kiddy pool with water when its too warm outside. Don't make the water FREEZING! If it it feels freezing to you, it is definitely going to feel way too cold for your ferret. Their body temperatures range from 100-103 degrees, so since their bodies are warmer than ours, you want to pay attention to the temperature of the water. Don't make it too warm, either though! Also, the water shouldn't get too deep. Your ferret should be able to stand on the bottom at all points in the kiddy pool and be able to keep their heads up with no trouble. As always, supervise them during this time and I would advise against using chlorinated water as this is not good for your ferrets, as they might stick their faces in the water and get a mouthful of chlorine. Fresh water only in the kiddy pool!

Ferrets do enjoy meat and cooked eggs as long as they are unseasoned. If you feed cooked meat, that meat needs to be free of all bones. When meat is cooked, the bones in it get brittle and hard and can cause a choking hazard for your ferrets. If the meat is raw, the bones are rubbery and shouldn't be an issue, but we remove all bones just so we don't have to take the chance!

I hope this helps. If you need anything else, let me know!

Emilee Andrews