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my ferret has a bad cold

21 10:43:00

can my ferret have chicken noodle soup?and will it help her?

Hi Amber:

Chicken noodle soup is too salty for ferrets. You could make some chicken broth, just be sure there isn't any salt (read the label). There are plenty of salt free broths and soups on the market.

Most folks here in the U.S. choose a product we get from our vets called Hill's A/D feline canned food for sick and recovering pets. You get it from your vet. Warm and thin with water. Dip your finger in it and then into ferrets mouth until he gets a good taste of it (may need a lot of encouragement, but eventually they ALL love it; the trick is making them get enough tastes of it). Ferrets never like any new flavors or foods.

Another trick to get extra fluids into ferrets is just use warm water and dribble a few drops of Ferretone on top so he can smell it and he will lick the water trying to get to the Ferretone.

Basically treatment for ferrets is the same as for kids - keep them extra warm - extra blankie or two available; drink extra fluids and offer soft "soups" (there are recipes galore on the internet for "ferret duck soup" - no, it's made out of chicken, not duck, don't worry LOL) and extra rest. I like to rock my babies when they are sick and they seem to enjoy it. If you have a cold too, wear a paper mask so you don't pass your cold or flu to your baby when cuddling or rocking him.

Other things they seem to like are watered down (1/2) apple juice and water; or even some applesauce, baby food chicken (meat) OR chicken and noodles (they don't put so much salt in the baby food brands as people ones. I have one friend who swears by baby food chicken and noodles for her kids and it's easy too.  Just try several things until you figure out what your kids like. Remember to get extra fluids down him.

If he's very congested you can give 1/2cc of CHILDREN'S BENADRYL (LIQUID) every six to eight hours. NO OTHER MEDICINES ARE SAFE TO USE - NO ASPIRIN, NO TYLENOL, etc.

Hope he gets feeling better soon!


Jacquie Rodgers