Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Am I the right Owner.. I might care enough but is that enough?

Am I the right Owner.. I might care enough but is that enough?

21 10:50:52

I asked one ferret "expert" on what kind of food is good for my ferret. ( I just bought Dakoda and only want the best for him ) The guy said that food that I had was bad. Which is Hartz food, ( I was at the super market when a family emergency happened, so I grabbed the ferret food, picked up dakoda from the pet store and than took care of that emergency.) I want the best for my little guy. I really do, and I understand that the food might be bad for him. But the part I don't understand is this web site this expert gave me about all the different foods.

To be honest I was kinda hoping he would tell me himself which food to get. I have dsylexia and I am kinda a black and white answer kinda girl. Which means I want the do's and dont's. Like don't get him Hartz food instead get him so and so's food.

Tell me what to do and I will do it.

After all I owe it to Dakoda to get the very best for him.

p.s do you know anything about toys for ferrets? I want safe toys for him but everytime I look at dog toys for him ( the squeaking kind ) I get scared that he might eat the plastic part and die. ( I am very knew to the ferret world so I am going to have those first time worries.)

.. I am kinda thinking maybe Dakoda would be better off with an expert who can take him who knows everything about him.. I mean I want the best for him, but how do I know if I am the best for him??

Do you think I am letting him down?

It sounds like to made a decision to get a ferret without doing the research first.  Purchase or borrow from the library Ferrets for Dummies.  Take the time to read through it carefully and then you can make an educated decision about your ferrets' future.  
I feed Totally Ferrets Venison Formula and Natural Gold.  That is what I suggest.