Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > Shave ferret for fleas?

Shave ferret for fleas?

21 10:55:52

My ferrets have had fleas for a very long time, actually only one for them but
the other one just got them. About 3 weeks ago I noticed one (of two) ferrets
had fleas. I checked the other one and he was clean. I immediately washed
him with Zodiac anti flea and tick shampoo and put a special flea tick fogger
in the house. I noticed a day latter that he had them again. I did the same
thing and purchased another anti tick and flea shampoo and added the spot
on by Zodiac on him. Set 2 foggers all over the house and washed the other
one just in case. they still have it and I have put  a fogger again today (after
emptying my whole room and washing all of my clothes) and washed them
both (for now they both have it) and used the spot on. they still have traces. I
am thinking now of shaving them and making sure they do not have it any
more.  I know washing them too often is bad for them but I do not know what
to do. It has been about 3 weeks and they are miserable. Is shaving them
advisable? What would you recommend?

Hi Raf:

Wow, so sorry to hear the fleas are taking over at your house!  They can be pretty tricky to get under control.  I do NOT, however, recommend that you shave your ferrets.

I'm concerned that your ferrets won't be able to maintain their body heat if you shave them. God gave them that coat to keep their little bodies about 103 degrees, so naked is just not an option for them.

I strongly recommend that you call an exterminator - your whole house will need to be treated, not just the room the ferrets are in. Unfortunately they are probably all thru your home and will keep coming back until the fleas and their eggs have been treated adequately.  An exterminator is the only way to have it treated that would be safe for your ferrets AND the ferrets *should* be removed from the house any time you are spraying pesticides in your home or 'bombing' or 'fogging' the home.  All of the things that kill fleas will make your ferrets very very ill and possibly even kill them.

Also, you need to take your ferrets to the vet and get some Advantage or Frontline.  They should have a good soapy bath in Johnson's and Johnson's baby shampoo (no tears) to remove all the previous chemicals you have put on them.  

It is *never* a good idea to dip ferrets or spray them to treat fleas.  That can quickly kill ferrets.  This is why I am advising you to wash them really really well....immediately.  Then you can apply Advantage or Frontline, which are safe for them.

You will probably have to have your home treated twice to allow for the flea eggs that are in your carpets, bedding, etc to hatch and run the full flea cycle.

Here is a great flea treatment website for ferrets that will give you even more specifics.

I hope you get the fleas under control as soon as possible - no doubt your babies are as miserable as you are and possibly even worse.  While I definitely understand your need to 'bomb' the fleas, I hope and pray you will get previous treatments removed from your ferrets ASAP and get proper treatment going right away with Frontline or Advantage and an exterminator.

Best of luck - I am sure you will get rid of them if you are consistent and don't forget the 'eggs', not just the fleas that are currently pestering you.


Jacquie Rodgers