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Wrong Flea Treatment Makes Ferret Sick

21 10:56:05

My farrett is very sick it is after hours and can't get help. He has had fleas really bad and we have been trying to treat them. But now he hasn't eaten since yesterday and my fiance gave him a bath and before he put him in the water he noticed he was shaking. My only thing that I am wondering is if he might make it until i can get him to a ver tomorrow. and i know it's hard to tell me anything over the computer. but i need some kind of an answer on what to do.

Hi Georgia:

I'm so sorry to hear about your ferret - also sorry that I'm just now getting this question.I hope by now you have gotten him to a vet.

Flea baths can kill a ferret - hopefully your vet has been able to get some fluids in your ferret and save his life.

In addition to treating your ferret, you need to treat your home, as the fleas and their eggs will be in your carpet, couch, linens, etc.  Best to let a professional exterminator treat your home. Be sure he knows you have a ferret so he will use *safe* chemicals - even then, plan to keep the ferret out of the house during the treatment and for several hours afterwards while you air the house out and be SURE any pesticide is dry.

The shivering was probably as a result of fear of the bath. It's not unusual for ferrets to shiver when they are scared.  Additionally, when bathing a ferret, it's really important that we keep the water warmer than you *think* it should be. Their body temperature is around 103 degrees, so it's like us taking a bath when we are very very sick and have a fever. Run the water over the area inside your elbow - it should feel very warm, but not *hot*.  You will know if the water is too hot - the ferret will begin to pant; then slowly lower the temperature of the water a bit lower.  If the ferret shivers, the water is too cool.  I think the reason most ferrets don't like baths is that most people bathe them in lukewarm water and it's reeeallly uncomfortable for the ferret (would be like taking a cold shower for us! Yikes!)

Again, I'm so sorry I just not got your message. Would you please let me know what the vet said and what he did for him?  I haven't heard of anyone actually giving a flea bath to a ferret. I wonder what the vet will do to counteract it. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little one that everything will come out okay.

((((hugs))) to your little sick one :-*(


Jacquie Rodgers