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My ferrets - rattail and getting along

21 10:40:42

I actually have a few questions. First off I have a female (Marshalls brand) she is almost 3 years old and has lost most of the hair out of the TIP of her tail and it goes up about and inch or so. There are black dots that look like new hair growing out of her skin. How can I tell if this is a disease that needs attention or a dietary issue? Either way I would appreciate some advice on how to care for her... she seems otherwise healthy and eats, drinks and plays with my other ferrets and with us as well. Very cuddly and friendly and runs up asking to be picked up and have her belly rubbed etc. I have read about rattail, but all the things I have read describe it as starting at the base of the tail... not the tip. Also I notice her sleep patterns have changed a bit. While she still gets a nap in, it seems to me she is almost hyper and does not sleep as much as the other 3 ferrets. Is this bad? or is it just that she has different needs?

Next is George, he is my only male ferret an is a Canadian breed (PETCO started selling a different brand because of Marshalls ferrets dying so much) He is much bigger than the females almost twice as heavy, I hope that is normal. I have a puppy and all the other ferrets get along with him and will sometimes curl up with him in his bed to take a nap with the dog, and they will play with him too. George on the otherhand is not happy with the puppy and keeps biting him. I am at my wits end! I have tried sitting with them and petting both, I have tried tapping Georges nose and saying NO and putting him away for 10 minutes, I have even put Ferrotone on the dog to see if that will help George like him. Is this a lost cause? Is there something else I can do to get George to be nicer? He latches into the dogs legs and I don't want either one to get hurt, but I can't figure out how to keep the peace. So far the poor puppy has just yelped and come looking for help, but that's not fair to him as this is his home too and I am afraid that he might bite back seriously injuring my little fuzzbutt #= The puppy is springer/lab mix #if that matters?#

Thank you for your time. I have so many questions about my little creatures. They are a joy that I do look forward to while I am at work, can't wait to come home. Surprise me, but all my ferrets jump up and want to be held as soon as I get home! Thought you might find it funny that the little neighbor boy #about 2 yrs) calls them cute kitties.

Regarding the rat-tail - have her checked out by your ferret vet as it can easily be adrenal or fleas.

Dogs and ferrets are not always a good mix, especially if not supervised.  George may just not like the dog and it may be best to keep them separate. It also may depend on the ages of the ferret and dog and the time they have had together to get used to each other.