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hormone injection and treats

21 10:39:32

Hi, I am thinking about getting a ferret and have been doing a lot of research on them so i know what is best for them. I am going to get a jill and was wondering if the hormone injection would be a better option for her or not? I was also wondering weather or not I can give her raw meat and if it would be a good idea to do so a lot of places say different things and would like to know as much as I can before I get her.
thanks. Dani

Most ferrets come spayed or neutered already, so I am not sure of which hormone injection you are speaking.  Raw meat (chicken or mice etc) is great for a ferret.  They imprint very young on food, so a lot would depend on how old she is.  We usually feed kibble all the time and meat once a day as an "extra"