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21 10:59:09

should i buy a ferret from the pet store, where there are 4 of them housed together, or privatly, where i can start with a younger one... because i heard that they do not bond with you as well when they are caged up in a pet store with 4 other ferrets, sometimes there mean to.  my iguana had that same problem.

I always recommend getting a ferret from a rescue - most ferret rescues are small and overloaded.  Age makes no difference neither does their initial living conditions unless it involved abuse or starvation which leads to health issues.  A shelter ferrets comes with a history and proved personality.  The number together in a pet store will not make them mean nor will it make them bond less - the same goes for an Iguana.  An Iguana needs tons of handling when young in order to socialize it and males get aggressive when they reach sexual maturity.  I would highly suggest that you research ferrets quite a bit before you purchase one - anywhere.  They are a high maintenance animal that requires a specialist vet, high medical costs, pricy quality food and lots of safe space to play and lots of time from you.  Read Ferrets for Dummies by Kim Schilling and check out some ferret websites before you make a decision.