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New angora ferret biting really really hard

21 10:50:19

This ferret is 5 months old we wanted him sooner but we bought him for 400
dollars from north carolina ferrets and the lady delayed the final sale for 2
months. On the way home the first bite occured and the ferret did not let
It was so painfu but we wrote it off as anxiety from being in the cage for 12
hours and not knowing us .(we live in miami and the lady drove the ferret to
Well we got home and let her loose we have a huge cage and we let the
animals run around the house at least 8 hours a day.Its been 3 days since we
got him and some times he bites when we pick him up , other times he just
runs up to us and bites our toes when were not ready, and other times he will
be playing and bite us . but he bites really hard  an it draws blood. My hands
are raw meat!!!! We have started to wear gloves when handelling him because
we cant afford any more bite .(i'm a microbiologist and jay is a doctor so
open wounds on our fingers only leads to infection where we work.)
We don't want to stop interacting with him because we really want to have
him in our lives and get him acustome to humans because it seems as
though the breeder did not do a very good job.I'm so sad i just want to pet
him and he bites. Ive have had ferrets all my life and the only ferret that ever
bit close to this hard was a ferret that i adopted who had been abused. What
is going on was this ferret abused? Did he not have any contact with humans
before? how can we fix this if we cant touch him with out being bitten? Please
help us . Can we get a trainer to help us are there ferret trainers in miami ??
We are currently doing the alpha ferret treatment (grab nape and drag one
foot followed by a 5 minute time out after 3 bites) is there anything else we
can do?
Sincerely Ashley And Jay and Three (our new bite machine)

First of all you need to stop punishing him for biting, he is biting as a reaction to something.  I am guessing lack of socialization which means he is afraid.  By punishing him, you are increasing his fear, increasing the chance he will bite.  Also, it has only been 3 days and he is in a new environment with new people.  you need to give him time and be patient and gentle with him.  Make sure you wear shoes and long pants as well as gloves because the less you react to a bite, the quicker he will lose interest as it isn't getting him anywhere.  Don't pick him up yet, that needs to come once he trusts you.  Don't play with him in a way that gets him worked up or he will be more likely to bite - keep things slow and easy.  Also try to hand feed him a treat that he likes so that he learns to trust you.