Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > RE: OUR FERRET THAT HAS LOST A FRIEND


21 10:39:12

QUESTION: hi we have 2 ferrets and one recently passed away and my mum was wondering what signs we have to look out for if our other ferret is upset and should we change the blankets? please reply asap its very important to us thankyou

ANSWER: I am not sure what you mean by "change the blankets"?  Some ferrets seem to experience grief while others don't show any outward signs.  Please maintain the ferrets health by continuing to clean bedding,etc.  Watch for signs of stress or illness, especially if the remaining ferret is older.  Keep the routine the same as it was and play with the remaining ferret as much as possible.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what i meant by changing the blankets was because one ferret has passed away and our other ferret still sleeps in that cage will it make the remaining ferret upset or distressed if we keep the same blankets in the cage or should we get rid of them. and how do we know if she is ill?? my mm is very worried

I don't believe the bedding will make a difference.  If you know what caused the death of the other ferret, ask you vet what signs you may notice in the other ferrets.  Other than they, look for general behavior changes, eating changes, etc.  Getting the ferret checked by the vet is always a good idea.