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male ferret

21 10:39:12

Hi, My name is Sarah. I have a 5 year old male ferret, I recently was told about a ferret who is living in a cage not held and no company, I want to rescue him. The problem is My ferret is 5 he has cushings disease and I'm not sure he can take the young ferrets energy, another issue is, I heard this ferret isn't fixed. Now I can afford to get him fixed but I think he has already started his heat by the sounds of it, he is 11months old and has started acting really aggressive due to lack of contact with humans and other ferrets, I'm not sure if he is in heat but I know if i don't go pick him up tomorrow he will be given to any old person, and I know how difficult it is to be a good ferret owner and that a lot of people don't know what they are getting into. Where as I have the time and experience for the poor boy, so my questions are 1. is he too old to get fixed? and 2. would getting this ferret be too much for my 5 year old ferret?
any extra feed back would be greatly appreciated.

I can help with the first question - he is not too old to get neutered and I am glad you are willing and able to help!  The second question is a little harder as only you know the personality of your older ferret.  I am usually very surprised how flexible ferrets are in regards to playmates, but I would certainly wait to introduce them until after the new one has been neutered and has healed.  After that, you will have to take it easy and watch them to make sure your older ferrets has a place to get away from the energy of the younger one and you may need to take the younger one out for lots of extra playtime alone.