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sick and hiding her head

21 10:44:24

hello, i hope you can ferret spent the night vomiting and then when i put her in her pen she shoved her head under the litter like an ostrich. i know it sounds weird to be worried about that but shes never ever done that and usually she only vomits once when shes sick. should i be worried?

Hello Sarah,

My ferret hides her head whenever she is nauseous too.  Since your kid spent the night vomiting, she should be seen by your vet TODAY.  One infrequent episode is not concerning, but something that continues overnight is serious.  A ferret needs to eat every 4-6 hours to stay healthy.  By now, she has not kept food down for the past 8-12 hours.  She is likely dehydrated and beginning to loose vital body weight.  It does not take long for a ferret to get dangerously ill.  It concerns me that the weekend is rapidly approaching and you might have a very serious situation soon.  There are few doctors that see ferrets on an emergency/weekend basis.  They are considered an "exotic" pet.  Please have her seen ASAP today.      

-Cindy P.