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Cages and sand

21 10:51:16

I have 2 interesting questions today ( been a good 2 years without questions since the first few weeks with the carpet commandos)

The first question being that we live near a beach and we took them to the beach without any problems. They were on leashes and approved by the park. Well needless to say both of them felt the need to stick there nose in the sand and sub around for a while only to come back up with a nose full of sand. (They just wouldn't listen) they would sneeze and repeat.  Is this ok for them health wise?
I also checked the area very well for any type of glass, rocks, any object they could hurt themselves before letting them play.

The second question is with all the cages out now we are looking to get them a  larger cage. We have plenty of room so size is not really an issue. 6'x6x6 would be around the max size. I see mostly decent reviews for alot of cages if you were to pick a cage under $300 for 2 brothers that get along great what would it be?? (online links would be great)


As long as the sand is free and clear of something that could hurt them, I see no reason not to have a good time.  Make sure they are up to date on their vaccinations to be safe also.  We often buy children's play sand for our ferrets to play in.

I really like Midwest Ferret Nation cage.  It is large and easy to clean plus safe for ferrets.  I believe some places will ship for free when you spend a certain amount so it would be worth shopping around.  But this website is one place that carries it so you can see it.
Make sure to get the 2 level cage.