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Ferret Pregnancy Question

21 10:55:33

How long are ferrets pregnet?

Hi Saira:

It takes 42 days from the day she was mated for a ferret to have the kits. You will need to put your mother ferret in a separate cage with a box that is set up so you can open it from the top, to make sure kits are being born without any problems. If she appears to be having problems, get her to a vet immediately.  She will also need to be in a nice, quiet, place without visitors, so she does not get too stressed. Make sure you give her extra meat protein during her pregnancy to help the babies grow; and also extra protein (hard boiled eggs are great) after they are born in order to keep her producing milk.

It would be a good idea to have her checked over by your vet to be sure she is healthy - preferrably before she is bred, OR as soon as possible afterwards.  You vet may have other suggestions.

ALSO....remember that female ferrets who have not been spayed MUST be either bred or receive a 'jill jab' to bring them out of heat or she will suffer from anemia and die a horrible death. It's very very important to have non-breeding jills spayed!  


Jacquie Rodgers