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Ready to Buy Ferret...Smell help?

21 10:55:36

I recently have become interested in ferrets. I don't know a lot about them, but I would love to know some more basic information that you could give me. Also, I would like to know how to get them to not smell. That is really my only reservation about them. Will the smell always be there? Or is there a way to eliminate it completely. Any information you could give me about basic care and odor elimination would be greatly appreciated!


Hi Ashley:

There is no way to have ferrets with no odor at all. Even tho they are descented, all ferrets have little scent glands on their faces and around their tails so they can tell each other apart.

To have the least amount of ferret smell, you need to use lots of blankies in their cage (cotton or fleece baby blankets work great in summer/winter) and change them at least twice a week.  You would also need to scoop the litter morning and night, making sure that you remove all the wet litter - this is what smells strongest - each time.

Bathing a ferret is a great bonding experience - especially if you put them in the bath with you, but too many baths cause ferrets to secrete even more of the oily scent from their glands.

Here is a great website that tells a LOT about ferrets:

Click on FAQs and start reading!  A book you might enjoy is called FERRETS FOR DUMMIES by Kim Schilling. It covers every aspect of ferret care/ownership.  There is SO much that a prospective ferret owner needs to know AND DO before they bring a ferret into their home for the first time - especially FERRETPROOFING!  There are many diseases and illnesses that ferrets get, so remember that the cost you pay when you buy the ferret is the least amount you will ever put out - it takes much much more money to feed one a proper diet and keep them vaccinated (rabies & distemper yearly) and regular vet care so your ferret stays healthy and happy.  You will need to spend TIME every single day - at least 2 to 3 hours EVERY DAY with your ferret.  Ferrets are like kids, you have to be consistent and the more time you spend with them, the happier and healthier they will be.  Ferrets are NOT meant to be in cages, but they must play supervised and in a ferret-safe environment (not messy or cluttered).

Best of luck in your decision!  Ferrets are a LOT of work and very expensive, but they are worth every penny and every moment of time spent with them!

Just remember, read read read before you bring him/her home, make sure there is a ferret vet in your city, that you have time to spend DAILY, extra money to spend on good food and medical care for the ferret, and make sure you have a play area 'ferretproofed' before you have a ferret in hand.  You will thank yourself later for having the good sense to do your research BEFORE you decide to get a ferret.  They are not like dogs, cats, hamsters or any other pet you've ever had. They are far more like having a two-year-old child that never grows, but require a LOT of time and work too.


Jacquie Rodgers