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Ferret Blood in his stool

21 11:00:16

I nam feeding him high quality cat food because he refuses to eat the ferret food i bought him.  His stools are solid but they are covered in blood.  the blanket at the bottom of his cage also has blood spots on it.  This is what raised my concern.  Am I feeding the right food?  Could this be the cause of the problems?  I will try to mix the ferret food in and get him off of the cat food if that is the problem but I am not sure if he will eat it.

Followup To

Question -
I recently purchased a ferret.  He is 16 weeks old and neutered and descented.  I have had him to the vet the three times the past week.  Last week he ha da cold and was given amoxi.  Then he deveolped blood in his stool.  He was tested for a common thing in ferrets but came back negative.  Instead of trying to find the route of the problem the vet treated him for that anyway.  He was givem albon.  I was not satsified with such an unclear answer and took him to a different vet.  They again tested him for the same thing and it yet again came up negative.  Now they have me giving him pepto bismal and metronidazole.  They are unsure what ti is but suspect a stomach issue.  Anway both vets agree that he has bllod in his stool but cant give me a clear answer as to why.  I was told to wait three days but i feel very uneasy about this and would like the opinion of someone who deals everyday with these animals.  The vets I have taken him to do not deal with ferrets regualry.  I live in a small area and fidning a vet to take care of ferrets is a chore in itself.  Please help me make him better.

Answer -
What your vet checked for is ECE.  Blood in the stool can be caused by an ulcer or other things but that is uncommon in as young a ferret as yours.  The blood in his stool can be stopped.  What the vet gave you definitely use, the metronidazole and pepto bismal.  Metronnidazole is used for stomach issues and is really "Tagament" for people.  Pepto Bimal will coat your ferrets stomach but it will make your ferrets stools black and that is what color blood makes the stool.  The main thing for you to watch for is that your ferret starts acting normal, playing, eating, and really needs water so he doesn't dehydrate.  Are his stools solid?  What are you feeding him?  Petstores aren't a very good source on what to feed your ferret.

Let me know.  I have 20 ferrets and know they can be a challenge, but they are so worth it.


Actually, all of my ferrets are on Purina Kitten Chow.  I think it is best overall.  It has the protein they need and they love it.  Try mixing the regular cat food with kitten chow and see if he will eat that.  Cat food wouldn't give your little one bloody stools.  Does your ferret act healthy? Play, eat, etc.?