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Vaccinations and Ferrets...

21 10:56:05

Do Ferrets need a Rabies shot??  Also, how can you tell if a male or female has been neutered/spayed.??  I acquired a ferret yesterday from a co-worker who found him/her running in town...any help would be appreciated.
Have a great day,

Ferrets need the 3 year (killed) rabies every year and they need canine distemper shots every year.  Canine distemper is carried easily form human to ferret so that is important and rabies is required by law!

Neutered is easy.  If you turn him over and see large testicles then he is a whole hob.  No testicles then neutered!  A female is hard since nothing on the outside.  If the ferret has a small tattoo dot on their ear then they are from a large ferret breeder and will have been spayed and/or neutered.  If not dot, then private breeder (this is probably unlikely) and no way to know for sure.

First step is a trip to a ferret knowledgeable vet for a check up then a stop at a book store for Ferrets for Dummies by Kim Schilling.  An excellent resource for old and new ferret owners!

Good luck