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Is it time to go to the vet?

21 10:56:46

We have a 9 month old male ferret that has recently begun to act very sick. I'm not sure if his symptoms are normal for a ferret that maybe just got into something and has developed a tummyache or if something is seriously wrong internally.

Last Wednesday (the 25th) I noticed he had barely touched his food(ZuPreem) and was looking *noticeably* skinnier. He was definitely lethargic when we let him out of his cage, this was noticeable because this little guy is usually way more than a handful. Later that evening I noticed he had vomited in about three different places in his cage. Of course I was completely worried but that was amplified by the fact that I was leaving him in a close friends care the very next day while we traveled out of state for the next 2 weeks.

We notified our friend of the concerns and he has been closely monitoring him for us. He has noticed that he is barely eating or drinking and has only pooped a few times since we left. It's been about five days and I know he normally goes to the bathroom WAY more than just a few times. Our friend has offered to take him to a ferret-knowledgeable vet for us, do you think that this is necessary? Is it possible he just got into something that has upset his tummy and could be over it soon, or could this be an intestinal blockage? Could it just be loneliness without his mommy and daddy? I want him to go to the vet just to be safe but do you have any idea what this could be? I am just so far away from him I'd like to have an idea of whats going on!

Also, should we have our friend give him some ferret laxitive now or wait to see what the vet says in a few days?

Thank you so much for any information you can give me!

Hi Tahnee:

Sorry it took me so long to get to your question - my computer died and I just now got it back :-*0

I absolutely think your ferret needs to get to a vet; hopefully you've already come to that conclusion by now.  A ferret who is not eating/drinking or pooping/peeing right is ALWAYS in need of a vet.  

The time for ferret laxative (or cat laxative) is as a preventative measure - it sounds like maybe your little guy has gotten into something and has a partial blockage.

Have your friend take the ferret to a vet; the vet will *probably* give your ferret a barium xray test.  The vet will give the ferret a small amount of food that has been mixed with barium (which glows in xrays), then they xray the ferret about every 15 minutes until the ferret poops it out. This will almost always show if there is a blockage.  Some vets feel that it's just better to open the ferret up, since blockages are so often deadly. They would rather just get in and get it out than doing the test.  The only down side to that is that *sometimes* the barium will push along a partial blockage and help the ferret expel it.  When in doubt, always do what the ferret knowledgeable vet recommends.

No doubt by now your little one is dehydrated (part of why he feels so small so quickly) and needs to get to the vet for fluids and tests.  I hope and pray you get this in time.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your little guy. Please let me know how this comes out?


Jacquie Rodgers