Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > does my ferret need a friend?

does my ferret need a friend?

21 10:39:00

Dear Janet,

I have a 1 year old ferret I was wondering if she needs a friend? She mopes around I play with her for 4-5 hours and give her lots attention and love but she still mopes what should I do?

Dear Jennifer,

Some ferrets do just fine interacting with their human friends, but some do need the interaction of a ferret friend.  Don't worry, they will still love you the same but will greatly enjoy the interaction on one of their kind.  Try introducing a ferret pal to your furry little friend and watch the fun begin.

I've always had 3 ferrets and greatly enjoyed watching them play and romp.

Let me know how they're doing.
