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having trouble with litter training

21 10:59:18

I just added a second ferret to my home. She is not taking well to litter training at all! I'm constantly cleaning up messes in the wrong corners of their house. I've placed 2 litter pans in the corners, their food in another, and the water bottle in the other. I've even moved the litter pans to where she's going, but then she goes where it used to be. Today, I put a towel down (to simulate bedding) in the entire area, except where the litter boxes are located. She's asleep right now so I don't know if this is going to work or not. I've even gone so far as to separate them, and put her in her own cage for a week. She did real well, but still had accidents - which I know are normal. But as soon as I put her back with the other ferret, she goes back to the same old missing-the-pan thing. Almost like it's on purpose. The two critters get along wonderfully, and play well together, so I could really use some pointers.  

Hi Sammi:

You've done most of the things I would recommend to overcome this problem :-)(i.e.: good ferret mommy! :-)  At this point I would say to continue to keep two litterboxes in the cage just in case it's a territorial thing; to keep the towels or bedding in ALL other areas - a ferret won't usually potty on their bedding, so that's always a safe choice.

It may just take a couple of weeks of getting used to each other; the cage, etc before she settles down and starts using the litterbox regularly. Patience is probably the most important thing here - just keep doing what you're doing. Especially putting bedding and toys everyplace you DON'T want them to go potty.

Let me know how she does with a little more time, Sammi, okay?

jacquie rodgers