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ferrets drinking pee

21 10:51:48

hello my brother has two ferrets. one he just recently got. they are fighting alot and now the new ferret is drinking the old ferrets pee.. is this normal or should he be worried?he does not know alot about ferrets and would also like to know of any good books to read up on ferrets. thank you for any information you can give

Hello Mary,

The behavior you are seeing is not normal.  Most ferrets are extremely clean and will not go anywhere near their own waste or that of another ferret.  The best thing you could do is discourage the behavior by scruffing him, say "NO" or hiss (like and angry ferret) and do not put him down until he relents.  Make sure you keep their litter box very clean and change it several times a day if necessary.  

There are two sources I find extremely useful for ferret info.  One is an online manual that contains everything from basic care to various diseases.  It is a VERY good source for you to read, so please take a peek!

The second is a printed book called "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling.  It can be purchased for $19.99 on Amazon, but I have also seen it available in Borders and Barnes and Nobel as well.  Like the online manual, it contains plenty of wonderful information about the little weasels.

I hope this information proves of use to you.  If you have any further questions, you know where to find me!

-Cindy P.