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Another introducing kitten to ferrets

21 10:57:06

I also have 2 male ferrets who are very well behaved and never bite. However, I adopted a 7 week old kitten about 2 days ago and introduced her to the ferrets. One of the ferrets is very gentle and cares more about smelling her ears and rear than anything else. I feel very comfortable about those two getting along. The other ferret bit her very hard within the first second of introduction. So I scolded him (which I have never had to do) and punished him by putting him in the cage for the rest of the night. I tried the same thing today and the same thing happened. Do you think my ferret understands that I am punsihing him and yelling at him because he is biting her, and maybe he will eventually realize that he's not supposed to do that? As the kitten gets bigger and stronger I am sure that my ferret is the one who is going to have to be careful, but for now what should I do just keep them seperated at all times? Or continue trying to mediate the situation until something changes?

Hello, i tryed to introcude a kitten to my ferret just once....he grabed the kittnes hip and would NOT let go I had to pry his mouth open...if your other ferret is showing signs of being will likely have to take the kittne back as the ferret probaly doesnt know he is being punished as his cage is full of toys/food/water/comfy bedding.... the ferret wouldnt be scared of the cat when its bigger if it is what your implying, ferrets will stare down any animal big or small.