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Introducing a new friend

21 10:44:25

QUESTION: Hi, i currently have a very playful hob that is just under a year old. He can get a bit nippy sometimes and i feel he would be happier playing with another ferret as well as just myself. I have been looking into introducing ferrets and i would like to know if it is a better idea to get a male or female and if they should be neutered as well as my hob or if this is not necessary?

ANSWER: Have you been nip training him?

Most ferrets are happier in pairs or groups. There is sometimes the odd ball ferret who wants to be alone.

Your male should be neutered before introducing another ferret and the ferret you want to intro to should be spay/neutered as well. Intact male hobs will become aggressive toward another ferret and if you get an intact or spayed female he will torment her until when he goes into season.

I have found it easier to introduce a neutered male to a spayed female (there are different experiences for every ferret). I have 3 males living together it took a little over a month to get them to figure out their pecking order and no longer fight.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He was very vicious when i bought him, however i have been nip training him and it has worked very well so far. I find it is when he is in contact with someone he doesn't recognize that he nips. Thank you for the link.  
If i get my hob neutered and introduce a spayed female in a couple of months, do you think there is a higher chance thance they will grow to be comfortable in the same cage or will i be better getting another neutered male?

That's great that nip training is working!

Any pairing will work once they are both spay/neutered either way they will try to figure out their ranking (aka who will be top ferret in the cage). Once the hormones are gone from being fixed ferrets cannot tell whether another ferret is male or female so it generally doesn't make a difference to them.

And age does not matter to ferrets when it comes to ranking order. My youngest ferret (7 months( quickly asserted himself as top ferret with my older boys)

I followed this guide to introducing a new ferret into my group

The main thing to remember when first introducing a new ferret is a fight is almost always unavoidable and should be allowed unless there is blood, poop or pee or if one ferret is constantly trying to run away from the other. Only then should it be broken up and tried another day.