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Ferret booboo

21 10:38:15

"My ferret got her head stuck yesterday in a hole we got her out but she has a booboo on her ear that was bleeding and its a little dried up. What can I do?

Dear Alisha,

Keep a close eye on that ear.  If it is drying, it's trying to heal and will probably be okay in a couple of days.  But, watch carefully for any, any swelling or redness.  Also watch for any oozing.  These are signs of infection.  You can use a tiny bit of polysporin; apply gently with a Q-tip.  If you suspect the least bit of infection, take your fuzzy to the vet immediately.

Also watch for any unusual behavior; in case of possible neck injury.

Guess you see how these little guys can get into trouble.  Check around for anything else he might get stuck in.  It's amazing what they can squeeze into.

Let me know how he does as I am always concerned for my clients as well as their adorable little fuzzy friends.

Warm Regards,