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Ferret Threw Up, Now Lethargic

21 10:37:41

last night at about 7 my ferret began dry heaving. Im semi unsure as to why exactly. At 1st i thought he simply choked on food eating to quickly since he's done that a few times. However, as it persisted i grew more and more frightened. I know how uncommon it is for ferrets to vomit so i was and am very worried for him. After several hours of dry heaving (one actual puke) and consistent lethargy i decided it was time to take him to a vet clinic. They took x-rays and were unable to find anything that may be causing blockage, though his stomach was very full. meaning he either ate something that can't be differentiated from food, or he just ate too much, stretched his stomach and is now ill from it. i'm hoping it's the latter, it makes sense since his stomach was very full earlier in the day, also i cant find anything he may have gotten into in my room.
we decided to go with that for now, they injected him with some fluids to help pass his food along. so far he has only had 2 small poops, 1 which was softer than usual. He continues to be lethargic. Im not sure if it's bc he is still feeling unwell bc something is blocking the way, or if he's just exhausted from being ill. idk if this is relevant, but he's also making sort of like sighs while he's sleeping? it happens every time he exhales. it sounds sort of like when youre sick and have a stuffy nose (he has not been sneezing though) How serious do you think this is and hat would you consider doing? he hasn't puked or dry heaved since last night at about 2 am.

Dear Ashley,
I wouldn't wait to see how this works out.  I'm concerned that he's making sighs while he sleeps.  Also what they gave him to make him poop may or may not be addressing the right problem.  I am NOT saying your vet is wrong, I am saying you should definitely call them and give them an update and see what they have to say. There's nothing wrong with asking questions.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Hopefully the issue will be resolved quickly.  I wish I could offer more help but I am not a vet.  I very much wish you and your little fuzzie well.
Warm Regards,