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My Ferret Is Dying i dont know why

21 10:45:30

Dear Cynthia,

I have had my ferrets for about 7 years now and i bought 1 of them that was 2-3 years old. the other one i bought as a baby so its okay. The older one i dont know i went to feed them today and it was just laying in his bedding covered in poop and not really moving so i picked him up and went and cleaned him up and he was bairly breathing looks like with his body movement. He moves his front legs here and there i have been trying to feed him with a eye dropper i called the vet and we think its just old age but i am not sure. He seemed healthy the other day.

I know that he might die after i type you this letter however i need to know could it just be old age or did something else happen?

Hello Matthew,

The symptoms you are describing do not sound good. He needs to be seen by your vet ASAP.  

The symptoms are far too vague to even begin to guess the cause.  Back leg paralysis can be numerous things (trauma, metabolic diseases, poisoning, etc), and barely breathing is NOT a good sign.  You need to bring him in to your veterinarian RIGHT away.  

Ask your vet what the prognosis of saving him might be.  If it is poor, euthanasia is not the wrong option.  If you decide to put him down, there is the option of an autopsy to discover what happened.

I am sorry that I cannot give you a definitive answer. Since he is an older ferret, it can certainly be related to old age.  It could also be trauma, poisoning, etc.  I wish I could be of more help, but perhaps your veterinarian would be able to give you a better guess upon examination.  

-Cindy P.