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Ferret gagging

21 10:44:21

We have a female ferret that has been gagging the last couple of hours and nothing but water and clear stuff is coming up. What can I do to help her?  She is pitiful.  Please help

Has she gotten into anything she isn't supposed to?

Vomiting could be anything from an obstruction (VERY dangerous), eating food too quickly (she wouldn't be vomiting for hours though), eating rancid or old food, hairball.

The white and clear stuff sounds like a hairball or an obstruction. Is she pooping normally?

I would suggest a vet visit for an x-ray. If it is an obstruction or impassible hairball they can remove it surgically. Or if it is a passable hairball they will give her something to make it easier.

I wouldn't chance it since an obstruction left too long can result in very serious health issues.