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EMERGENCY! Intestinal Blockage ALERT

21 10:55:30

I just recently got a baby ferret (she is almost 10 weeks old).  When I purchased her I noticed that their were 2 other ferrets there (the same age) that were bigger and more active than she was.  I also got her the very day they received their shipment so she was really tired, so I thought.  When I got her home and let her rest the remainder of the day I noticed the next morning that she did not eat, drink or use the bathroom even after i woke her up.  I continued to let her sleep because I figured that she was very small and began to think that she was younger that what was told to me.  Then I noticed that she had a scar from her being spayed(which still had some dissolvable stitches reside on her) and I saw her canine teeth so it told me that she was at least 8 weeks (I had a ferret before that passed away). So, I am assuming that I got the runt of the litter.
Anyway, my concerns are that 1)all she does is eat, drink, sleep and potty, 2) every time she does uses the letter box she moans and very little (poop) comes out and 3) she has not been playing at all, but she does do some walking around.  I know that the moaning is a sign of strain, but what can I do about the in activity she displays?  All she wants is for me to pick her up and hold her or be next to me.  She has a vet appointment scheduled for next week to get her second set of shots, Please help me I am very concerned.

Hi Nina:

It sounds like you need to call your vet and re-schedule the appointment. Tell them you think your ferret has an intestinal blockage and needs to be soon TODAY.  In the meantime, get as much fluids down her as possible. Keeping her hydrated is the best thing you can do until she is examined.

I have seen ferrets eat the better part of a hammock while in a pet store setting in just about a day's period of time. It makes them very lethargic. A blockage - depending upon how bad it is, could cause her to die with every bite of kibble she eats - it's IMPERATIVE that you get her examined, xrayed and possibly a barium xray ASAP.  

LUCKY YOU to have such a sweet, cuddly kit!! That is very very unusual and I hope you will spend as much time with her as possible. She obviously doesn't feel well and is comforted by you holding her.  

I hope and pray you can get her to a vet in time to save her life.  I *hope* it's not a blockage, but I seriously think it probably is from the way you describe her behavior.  She needs to be seen as am EMERGENCY - I hope your vet is familiar enough with ferrets to understand that. If not, please please get her in to a ferret vet ASAP. Any vet who knows about ferrets should tell you to come in immediately to be checked. Intestinal blockages are very very serious and will probably have to be removed surgically. At any rate, she definitely needs to be assessed immediately.

Best of luck. My thoughts and prayers go with you and with her. Please update me in a few days?


Jacquie Rodgers