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ferret has diareha

21 10:55:53

my ferret has had diarrhea for the past 2 weeks. he eats fine and drinks water with no problem. but he still has diarrhea. is this normal or is it something i need to worry about and take to a vet?

Hi, thanks for your question. Since ferrets poop so often, that is usually the first thing to look at as far as seeing how the ferret is doing in terms of health. Any problems with the digestive system is a cause for concern in these little guys, be it diarrhea, not passing bowels, vomiting, or blood in the bowels. If he's had it for more than a day it sounds worse than a little flu or upset should take him to a good ferret vet ASAP. It could be anything from poor nutrition to worms or worse, so get it checked out.