Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > my ferret nina

my ferret nina

21 10:59:03

Why does my ferret jump and run really fast and make weird noises when i take her out???

She wants you to play with her!  Ferrets consider their humans to be their favorite toy!  She needs to be hugged and kissed and talked to and let out to play at least 3 hrs a day for her mental health. Ferrets get depressed if they don't get the ahttention and play time they need!s

There is a book called FERRETS FOR DUMMIES by Kim Schilling and it's GREAT - covers ALL aspects of having ferrets and all the things you need t oknow to keep them safe, happy and a great companion.

You can get the book really cheaped at     or

Also, there are plenty of online information groups you may want to have a look at:

Please, please, for your ferrets sake, read up so you can give your ferret the  best  home possible. There are so many things out there that are dangerous for ferrets and you really need to know before somsething tragic happens.

Thanks - don't hesitate to write again!
