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ferret issues

21 11:01:13

Hello. I have an insulanoma ferret. Hes two years old. Hes very quiet and really sweet. If i introduce a male kit with him, will it be too stressful on him? Thankyou.

Hello Aimee,
Thank you for your question. Whether it would be too stressful for him PHYSICALLY is actually best answered by your vet. He would be able to determine whether your ferret can physically handle a great change as this.

     However, I will say that to introduce a new kit with an older ferret is hard on them, even without health issues. Two years old is fairly older, and it may have detrimental effects on your ferret. He may become more aloof, or more aggressive with a younger kit. IMO, aside from his insulinoma, it may not be the best option for a two year old ferret with compromised health to be put in a position where, after being happy and contented as the only ferret, feeling threatened and intruded upon by a newcomer. My advice is to enjoy the time you have with your ferret now, and after he is gone, then would be a good time to have your two ferrets.
Thanks again for your question, and the best of health to your fuzzy!