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ferrets & urine smell in concrete

21 10:56:52

I just lost a sale on my home due to a past tenant who's daughter had a pet ferret in the lower level of the home. The lower level had carpet over a concrete floor. The potential buyer refused to buy my home claiming that once the ferret urine is in the concrete, it is impossible to treat. The carpet was taken out, floor treated and he still would not buy the home claiming the concrete is porous and he discovered it will always stay in the concrete. He also claims that ferrets have some kind of stink gland like a skunk that will absorb into the concrete. After the concrete was professionally cleaned and treated, will that smell always stay in the concrete? And do ferrets have like a skunk gland that they excrete?

Hi Cindy:

First, let me apologize that your question has gone so long without an answer. Whoever you asked the question of placed the question into a 'question pool', which means they don't know the answer to the problem. I just happened to see it there and hopefully I can help you.

Ferret urine does tend to have a smell that lasts. It is usually the urine, rather than the actual ferret scent that leaves the lasting odor.  Most likely the ferret itself was descented if you live in the U.S. (all pet store ferrets are neutered and descented here)....but the urine still smells very strong if it is not kept very clean.  

Removing the affected carpet, having a professional cleaning of the concrete *should* have removed all odors. There is an enzyme-based cleaner called Nature's Miracle which should remove any lasting odors also.  Ferrets tend to do their business in corners, so you will want to concentrate the treatments in all corners (and also consider 'corners' that are created by where furniture was placed, etc).

One other thing you might want to consider is having a polymer sealer put on the concrete, then putting carpet back on the floor once you are sure the odor is gone.  There is also a paint called "Killz" which could be put on affected areas (if you put it on *before* the sealer, I don't see how it could possibly fail) that is supposed to block all stains and/or odors and would probably be cheaper than sealing the whole floor, *if* you can tell where the wet/stained places are - otherwise do the whole floor just to be sure.

I'm so sorry this has to be your first encounter with a ferret! When kept properly and cleanly, they are wonderful, loving little critters who will steal your heart...but they DO require fastidiously clean care or odors do develop.

As far as whether or not this problem would *legally* be a reason to back out of a sales contract, you need to contact your realtor for guidance in that area.  The problem is one that IS fixable, so I would think if you remedy the problem, the buyer should have no reason to back out of the contract...but you need legal representation who can advise you fully in this regard.

Best of luck in selling your home - I really don't think you have a serious long term problem. Some simple treatment and new carpet should have you back on the market quickly.

Again, I apologize for the horribly long time you had to wait for a reply to your question. We do try to answer all questions in a timely manner.


Jacquie Rodgers