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upper respiratory

21 10:38:58

both my ferrets compo and foggy have  flu, they were taken to the vets yesterday compo is ok and he should recover in a few days ,foggy has a upper respiratory infection her breathing is bad and has gone down hill so quickly ,she was given antibiotics for 7 days i was just wondering how long it will take her to recover? im giving them both lots of fluids and hand feeding foggy its breaking my heart seeing her so ill i cried myself to sleep last night, should i take her back to the vets if there is no improvement in a few days or wait the full 7 days ?

Hi Sue:

Yes, absolutely return to the vet if you have a bad feeling about her, even if the full seven days has not passed.  It is not unusual for ferrets to need sub-cutaneous (under the skin) fluids when they are sick, as they just cannot get enough fluids down to keep up their strength.  Any time you feel uncomfortable with your ferrets progress, you should absolutely return to the vet.  I hope your vet is well experienced with ferrets and the fact that they can go downhill so very fast in situations like this. If it were me and I were that concerned, I would just be at the office when they open in the morning to be sure they get seen as soon as possible.  Ferrets can die so quickly once they get something like this.

Best of luck to your little ones.  My thoughts and prayers are with them and with you.

Jacquie Rodgers