Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Ferrets > cage rattling

cage rattling

21 10:59:39

I read a previous asked question about this problem but didnt get much helo from it. My 4 month old ferret has everything a ferret could possibly want.. a big cage with lots of toys and stuff to do.. lots of time out of the cage to play and explore... outings outside of the house on her leash when the wheater permits... fresh food and water at all times and a clean litter box... but she WILL NOT stop rattling her cage... my nerves are almost totally shot.. not to mention what its got to be doing to her teeth and mouth! I even put the bitter stuff to make them stop biting on the bars of her cage and she acts like its not even there.  

I would need a bit more information about the specifics of the cage set up - size, levels etc and also how much lots of time actually is?  ALso what do you feed her?
Ferrets need novelty in their environment as well as someone to play with.  Change out the toys, vary the time out of her cage and get her a play mate.  Ferrets always do better with others.  Enrichment is vital to a healthy ferret and biting the cage is usually a sign of boredom and is in fact very bad of her teeth.  
Get back to me with her daily routine and the answers to the above.