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Peeing Problem

21 10:45:52

QUESTION: I will try to make this as short as possible, but I need to give you all the info. I have a 2 1/2 year old ferret, his name is Max.

About a month ago I noticed Max at the top of his cage trying to pee (this is odd for him he always uses his litter pan). He then began to constantly try to pee and nothing would come out. I made the mistake of giving him some cat Urinary tract health stuff (at the suggestion of someone else).

This did the trick and he was fine for about a week, and then he started to squat constantly again, but this time he was actually peeing, just constantly anywhere he could.

We got him into the vet (we should have done that to start with) the vet suggested to try antibiotics first simply because there were so many things it could be, and this would be the simplest to start out with.

On a side note when this started we had bought a new bag of food (we feed Felidae) when I opened the bag I noticed they had changed the formula.

So we have been giving the antibiotics for over two weeks (the vet suggested we didn't switch foods at the time we started the antibiotics). All seemed well and he seemed fine, now we have had two days of straining to urinate, and then this morning he had a huge pile of urine and he again is fine. We have now switched foods and are waiting to see if this is the problem. The vet thought it was likely but didn't want us switching I guess so we would know for sure, but since we switched the foods he is back to normal.

I am sorry this is so long and I hope it makes sense, my question is what are the different things this could be, if it is not the food? Obviously it's not just a urinary infection. So I just want to know some worse case scenarios, and anything I can be doing for him. Unfortunately our financial situation has changed since we have taken on the responsibility of owning ferrets so we can not afford surgery.


ANSWER: Hi Dawn:

Sorry to hear you're having problems with little Max. Uriary problems such are you are describing are very very serious. I'm curious - have you noticed any increased scratching, fur loss, dry skin/fur? Is he 2 to 3 years of age or more?  

The reason I ask is that the only reason I know of that causes urinary blockage is adrenal gland tumors which grow and press against the prostate gland, which makes it impossible for urine to pass through the urinary tract....and this can quickly become fatal. When you see him frantically trying to pee, he could actually rupture his bladder.

From what you are describing, he is in a lot of pain/discomfort with this, whatever is causing it.  I'm surprised your vet hasn't discussed prostate problems or adrenal disease/tumors with you. My recommendation is to get this little guy to a vet (maybe a different one that is more familiar specifically with ferret problems) and find out if that prostate gland is swollen; if so, what can be done.. This is an emergency situation and I would get him in ASAP and I mean TODAY.  He could die any time if you don't get him some help soon. He is suffering and in a lot of pain.

Please, whatever you do, don't be angry at him for peeing anywhere - rejoice that he was able to pee!!  Right now, it's so important that he just gets it out - no matter where it is.  HE knows that and you must nderstand that too - it's that important; it's life and death important that he matter where he happens to do it.  I'd be happy even if he peed on me.  So PLEASE, whatever you do, try to just be happy that he was able to pass the urine, k?

Here are some lists of ferret vets recommeded by other ferret owers. Hopefully there is one or more in your area - I'd recommend getting Max to one  TODAY if possible - call and let them know you have an emergency, a ferret who is frantically straining to pee and sometimes being unsuccessful and extremely frustrated. THAT IS AN EMERGENCY SITUATION.  Any vet office that does not treat it as one, is NOT an office you want to take Max to, okay?  Just trust that - it's a big deal, life and death, so don't let up or give up.

Here's the lists:

*   (British Columbia)


My thoughts and prayers will be with you.  I hope you can get him in to be seen today. (Hopefully the system will get this reply to you fast enough that you can have time to get him in).  If you really cannot do anything as far as fixing him, please please at least give him the gift of a gentle passing and let the vet put him to sleep. I know that's a very very difficult decision, but sometimes it's the best one. It's better than having him die in pain or having his bladder rupture. His frantic behaviour is PAIN - please hear him and help him as he cries out for help.

Please update me when you can?

God bless.......

Jacquie Rodgers

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. He hasn't lost any hair, or been scratching anymore than what has always been normal for him. I could never be angry at him for peeing, quite the opposite I was worried because I know it's not normal.

The vet checked his stomach and basically told us that as pet owners we needed to decide how aggressively we wanted to pursue things seeming there could be a number of things it could be, so the decision was made to try the antibiotics incase it was as simple as an infection.

I will update you on what happens, Max is 2 years and 5 months (to answer your previous question). Again thank you so much.

Hi Dawn:

Thanks so much for the quick reply.  I had asked his age because adrenal disease is most common in ferrets 2 to 3 years of age. That puts Max right in the middle.  Even though he has no other symptoms, I would suspect adrenal disease and swollen prostate, but that's just my guess (worth what you paid for it LOL).

You might want to ask your vet how you can manually help Max by expressing his bladder if he gets into an emergency situation. You CAN do it for him - some ferrets have to have that done all the time, believe it or not. It's possible to rupture the bladder if not done properly though, so don't do it without getting some directions from the vet.

Sounds like you guys are taking good care of him.  I hope he pulls out of this. It would be great if he just has a bladder infection, but I've never heard if it in a ferret.

I'll be looking forward to hearing from you in  a few days/or a week to see how he's doing. My thoughts and prayers are with you and also with him. Take care, Dawn.

