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Duk Soup and Vetasyl

21 10:41:55


I finally got some Vetasyl through the post (i live in the UK) and have started trying to give my ferret the mixture as described in your recipe.

He's been showing signs of some kind of blockage for some time now, although he does seem to go through phases, where it's worse (being sick more often etc)

Anyway, i've made the mixture up and tried to feed it to him, following your instructions. However, he doesn't seem to want to eat very much of it.

He doesn't seem to dislike it, in fact he seems to like it, but when he has had enough (which isn't a lot) he is quite clear about not wanting anymore. Today, he even came up to the bowl and started lapping it of his own accord, but then he finished, so i scruffed him and started spoon feeding it to him. Again, he will eat it, but then gets quite insistent about being put down.

I have noticed when he laps it up, he makes a soft squeaking noise...could this mean anything?

Also, perhaps i have the measurements wrong. It says 6OZ, which i worked out to be about 0.2 litres. I've measured this out using a 25ml measuring cup x 8.

This does seem to be a lot, it nearly fills him entire water bowl, perhaps it is too much for him. Today he drank maybe a 3rd of the mixture probably less.

I've read that it's best he drinks it all though?

Any advice you could give me would be great and much appreciated.

Best regards


ANSWER: Hello James,

While most ferrets love the vetsyl, not all of them enjoy the mixture.  Most of this is because some ferrets refuse new tastes.  It is encouraging that he is eating some of it on his own.  It is likely he will develop more of a taste for it if you keep it up.  It might also be because he is not feeling well.  Is he eating normally?

I know it seems like a lot, but ferrets will drink 100 mls of fluid a day plus the food they normally consume.  You might want to try to offer smaller amounts more frequently and see if that helps.  I am not sure what the squeaking noises may mean.  Even drinking 1/3 of the mixture might help his symptoms.  

Since your ferret seems to be intermittently ill, it might be best to bring him in for a checkup with your vet.  A partial obstruction or some other medical condition might be causing this.   Watch for any signs of anorexia, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy or weight loss. Ferrets tend to get very sick quickly and you need to watch him closely.  If you have other ferrets, you might want to separate him except for playtime.  This will make it easier to keep an eye on him and his habits.  

Let me know if you have any other questions.  Sorry this response took so long and your patience is appreciated.  It is test time for me in graduate school.

-Cindy P.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thanks very much for your response, i have kept trying and he will eat some on his own, but then pretty much refuses when he's had enough.

Smaller amounts may well be the way forward...if i was to feed him less, but more regularly, what proportions should i use? Would it be ok to try everything in half amounts for example, and feed it to him twice a day?

Also, do i keep giving him his regular meals, and is there a best time to give him the vetasyl mixture in relation to these?

Otherwise, he does seem to be eating normally, and he seems quite happy. Essentially he just coughs and hacks and then is often a little bit sick, this happens once a day, sometimes every few days. He doesn't have diarrhea, although, he has lost a bit of weight, presumably due to not being able to keep his food down so well.

Anyway, thanks again for all your help so far Cindy.



Hello again James,

Twice to three times daily should be fine.  Just give him as much as he will eat.  Leave him his normal kibble available at all times to eat whenever he is hungry.  remember, ferrets eat every 4-6 hours, so he will be hungry in between your vetsyl doses.

Also, make sure you are feeding high quality ferret food.  Good nutrition is essential for these guys.  Remember, expensive ferret foods are not necessarily better for ferrets if you are not aware of the ingredients.  You would be surprised that most types of ferret food are NOT healthy and can cause health problems.

For more information regarding proper diet, please see the following link.  

I am glad to hear he is doing fairly well.  Have you considered a barium x-ray?  You should think about it if his condition does not improve.  This is done by force-feeding a radio-opaque substance (barium) and waiting for it to hit the stomach and intestinal tract.  Several x-rays are taken over the next few hours to see the pattern and if there are any obstructions or partial obstructions.  This technique might give you a better diagnosis and help determine if he ingested anything.  It is better than jumping into an expensive exploratory surgery without any idea what is causing the problem.  

-Cindy P.