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my ferret............

21 10:41:55

hey, im only 13, i have 5 ferrets and one of my ferrets is having a problem and none of us knows whats happening to her=(her name is Carmen and she is getting very hairless and she used to be very fat in the past but then she started losing A LOT of weight and now shes very thin. We don't know what to do, my mom says she doesn't want to take her to the vet because we don't have the money to save her if she will die. She has almost died before but i helped her and she u have any idea what is going on with her health?shes getting hairless and very weak and very thin and shaking a lot=(any idea on how i can take care of her home style??????please let me know

I could be very wrong, but hair loss usually means adrenal disease, which is 100 percent curable if the ferret is taken to surgery and the gland removed. She is shivering because she is cold and does not feel well.  You need to feed her warm "soup", preferrably Hill's A/D thinned to gravy thickness and warmed in the microwave. Dip your finger in it, then in the ferret's mouth to get her started. She should eat this at least 4-5 times a day - about one can per day. You can get it only at your vet's office. That will only help her hold her weight. She MUST have the surgery to live.

If you truly cannot afford the surgery, I wonder why in God's name you have so many ferrets? EVERY ferret should have a health savings account for emergencies like this. Surgery can run from $200 to $1,000. It pays to call around to different vets and also to check with local shelters to see who they use - they usually use the best and cheapest vets.

If you can't get surgery, possibly you can give her up to a shelter along with a donation towards her surgery (as it will cost them the same as it will cost you, but HOPEFULLY they will have a fund for emergencies like this.  I also recommend looking for new homes for your remaining ferrets - folks who can afford vet bills when they come up. I always say that the purchase price of a ferret is the least cost. It's a good idea to have $1,000 in account for each ferret you have, so if you have ONE ferret who needs surgery and are already in trouble, you need to seriously rethink whether you are capable of being a ferret mom at this point in your life. I'm sorry to say that and I know it hurts, but it's the truth and the best for the PLEASE consider it.

Here are some lists of shelters  all over the U.S.    Check your state and city and hope there is someone within driving distance who can help you.  Please get back to me if that doesn't work for you. There aren't many other options - unfortunately too many people do like you've done - get a bunch of ferrets because they are cute and then find out they can't afford the medical care they need.  MOST ferrets end up costing about $700 to $1,000 for their lifetime vet care from my experience.

Here's the list:


Best of luck - I know how difficult this is. I hope and pray you can come to some solution for this little one soon. Please at least get the Hill's A/D and some soft blankies for her to snuggle into ASAP (try a little ferret sweater if you have one...I have one, but find most ferrets won't wear them; maybe she would with no fur tho).


Jacquie Rodgers