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Kit or few months old? color? sex?

21 10:51:53

Hello, I am getting my first ferret around the 22and of the month and was wondering if it is better the get a 7-10 week old kit or a 3-5 month old teenage ferret?   I would perfer a baby to raise but is a baby more work?

Does the color of the ferret I choose make a differeance? I have my eye on a white/silver black eyed baby at a local petstore   

Does the gender of the kit make a differeance as a pet? I perfer a male I think because they get a bit larger,  Will a larger male kit from the group genrally grow to be a big heavy ferret? My friend had a male ferret a few years ago he was quite large compaied to full grown ones I've seen about.

And in closing can I keep my ferret in a medium sized plastic with wire front and side ventalation dog kennel until two-three weeks after buying him? I want one of those multi level cages but I can not afford one right away...they cost more then my ferret will! I realize my ferret needs to come out of his cage daily. Thank you

Thank you

Any ferret under the age of 1 is a lot of work. I call any ferret younger than a year a "baby" just because they all act the same; hyper, nippy, and not potty trained. Babies nip because they simply don't know any better and they are teething. Babies also have A LOT of energy, so a lot of patience is required. So it's up to you how young you want the ferret, it doesn't really matter at that stage. Color does not make a difference, it's up to your personal preference. Gender really doesn't matter in a ferret either, if they are altered (which they should be if you mean to have them as pets) ferrets are pretty androgynous and their personality is determined on an individual level. The only difference is that males tend to be bigger than the females.

You should not purchase a ferret until you can provide adequate housing. A dog kennel is not acceptable, a ferret needs a proper ferret cage. It doesn't have to necessarily be multi-story, but there should be ample room to move around, places to sleep, eat, and poop. A single ferret should be kept in a MINIMUM sized cage of 3' by 4'.