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Please help ferret looks like its going mad

21 10:52:19

I'm having a problem with one of my ferret. uptill she came into season she has been fine. she had a Jill jab to take her out of season. She then swelled up and after consulting a experienced ferret owner was told that she was having a false pregnancy. she vulva has now decreased in size but she runs up and down the cage for hours on end not stopping which doesn't seem like normal behavior. she currently lives in a two teir 4ft hutch and i am currently building a large 2mtr x 3mtr ferret court so if it is living conditions then they will soon be more than enough. Your views on this problem would be very much appreciated.

I don't know anything about un-altered ferrets or ferret pregnancies, all I can tell you is that unless you plan to breed her, she needs to be spayed as soon as possible. Keeping her whole is only going to put her health in jeopardy. She may possibly die from complications of being in heat. You need to take her to the vet and fix this problem.