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Working Ferrets

21 11:00:18

I used to live up north and I had to run different cables through buildings (internet and such) but those buildings were air-conditioned and heated, I used to use Stinky Pete, my Ferret to help me because it saved me from tearing out parts of wall and generally cut down my work time by a great amount.  Now I am down in Florida and the houses I am working on are mostly new construction, he is fine during the winter but in the summer the inside of those walls gets to about 110 degrees and I know that is bad for ferrets but is there anyway he can still work, like if I shave him or something?

I think it is wonderful that your ferret is able to help with your work! Unfortunately, he would not be able to tolerate the high heat. Ferrets actually have a very low tolerance to heat, and shaving him would not make a difference (in fact, that would be worse, because their fur acts as an insulation to regultate body temp.).Their intolerance to heat has to do with their metabolism being too high. I definitely think you would be putting him in danger of a heat stroke. Ferrets actually cannot tolerate degrees over 85 for long periods of time. He will simply have to be your part time helper in the winter months, and then have the summers off! Lucky guy! I need to find a job like that!
thanks again for your question.