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My ferret trooper

21 10:38:59

I have a older male ferret he is about6 when my daughter first got him we new nothing on them well i love to leare about them but we did not lean intime to make a difference troopers teeth are verry bad i have been feeding him gerber chicken gravy for over a year and i offer duck soap moist down ferret food do you have any thing you could tell me that i could do or should not do he is my world and i want him to be with me as long as he is able and not suffering

Dear Kim,

Thanks for your question about Trooper.

I guess you know Trooper is a senior now; pretty old for a ferret.  Still, we love them and want them to have a full and happy life.  Trooper needs his teeth cleaned.  I strongly suggest you consult with your vet about this possibility.

I can't say you've been feeding him the wrong foods, but he does need a good regular ferret diet.  You can start by offering it as a treat.  Most important of all, he needs a good vitamin.  I recommend FerretVite.

Since you got Trooper later in life, we don't know how he was fed and cared for.  So, we can only go from here.  Ferrets live from five to seven years.  Two of mine lived to nine.  I truly believe it was due to diet; my vet agrees.

In any case, you've been a wonderful ferret owner and little "senior" Trooper is lucky to have you for a mom.

Tip, try Gerber Junior Ham & Gravy - it's great for maintaining body weight.

I hope I've been of some help.

Warm regards,