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Another Behavior Problem...

21 11:00:12

Hello there, my name is Juan. I guess I should just get right to the point. I'm in a bit of a problem. I have had 3 ferrets for about 3 years now. A few months ago, however, one of them died. After a while of thinking, I decided to get another one, as the other ones were acting a bit differently. That is when it started. My female, starting attacking the new baby male (who was only a few months old at the time). She would pick on him, every chance she got. She would bite him as hard as she could, and he would never fight back. It got to the point where I contacted another ferret expert (which I believe was on this site), and I got some interesting advice. I was told to lay her on her back, holding her down, and scraming 'no' at her (showing domination). After a few days, things started to calm down. This was fine for about a month. Within this month, however, she wouldn't want to eat her food. She would only eat a special ferret vitamin, and ferret treats. No matter how hard I tried, she just wouldn't eat her food. This problem is still going on, and I have no idea what it is. She is very skinny, and I am starting to worry. A few days ago, she started bitting the baby again. She wouldn't chase him to bite him, like before, but anytime he got near her to play, she would attack him. Today, she went back to her old ways and chase him to attack him, even in the cage. She then proceded to attack the older male, who could have seriously hurt her, had he been fully awake. This has escalated to the point where the baby runs from her, whimpering, as soon as she gets near. Please, please tell me the best thing to do. I have had her for the longest, and have been the closest to her. I don't know what happened, but she changed, literally days after the ferret previously mentioned died. She won't eat food (she even tries to steal mine, and eats my sandals), she is attacking the others, and she is growing very, very thin. WHAT DO I DO?! I don't want to give her away, please.

Hello thanks for your question.
It may be more of a physical problem then a behavior problem with your female. Pain and illness can make for a VERY grumpy ferret. Have her checked by a vet.
She needs to eat, and he may find out a reason she is not.
If you cannot get her into the vet immediately, then give her "Duck Soup" see below:* also make sure that each ferret has THEIR OWN bowl to eat out of. And also, make sure there hasn't been any food changes etc.; And, for now, cut out treats and people food, just the duck soup.


1 can Sustacal (8 oz., or about 230 ml; it comes in a larger size too)
1 can water    (8 oz., or about 230 ml)
2 scoops puppy or kitten weaning formula -- OPTIONAL
4 oz. (110 g? or ml?) dry kitten or ferret food, soaked in enough water to
              cover and soften it completely

[Sustacal is meant for humans; look for it by baby formulas or in the
pharmacy section of your supermarket.   you can also
use Ensure, Discover 2.0, or Just Born (puppy/kitten milk from pet store).

Mix thoroughly.  We always warm it in the microwave  for them to the temperature of baby
formula (NOT HOT!).  Then again, wean him back onto the dry food.
Also, This formula also freezes well -- the Sustacal must
be used within 48 hours if left only in the fridge.

As far as her behavior: if the vet says she is 100% healthy, then you would probably be looking at a jealousy behavior.
She was most likely impacted by the death of the other ferret, and now sees the new baby as an intrusion. The dominance exercise helps, but NOT to scream at her. It is designed to be done GENTLY, like a SOOTHING experience for her. You actually are not supposed to talk to the ferret while you are holding them, just try to get her to relax and surrender. It is very important to keep the other ferrets back while she is in a vulnerable position, UNTIL she relaxes, then they can come up to see her. BUT not to jump on her. I really hope this helps, please let me know if I can be of any more help.