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kitten food for ferrets

21 11:01:36


Is kitten chow & whiskers a bad brand to feed? Is nutro a good brand? what about the brand petsmart makes?

Ferrets should have food and water available at all time since they love to snack. They do well on dry kitten or ferret chow providing 30-40% crude protein and 15-20% fat. Although they enjoy eating them, they do not digest carbohydrates or roughage well. Ferret vitamin supplements are available but are not required. Feeding foods that they are not accustomed to often results in diarrhea. The diet of older or frail ferrets can be supplemented with cooked eggs and beef liver as well as strained baby meats. Older or sick ferrets seem to also benefit from high energy pastes such as Nutrical or Energel. Do not feed them products containing refined sugar.

So check the label!  Follow the guidelines above and you should be able to select a good food for your ferret.