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My poor Baby Bandit and Smokey

21 10:54:53

Please explain to me how these awful people are allowed to mass produce these wonderful little animals. Before I bought my little babies Bandit, Smokey and Nipper not one single sales rep or even the Marshall Ferret site advised me of the illnesses that these babies go thru due to their mass breeding. I just had to put Baby Bandit to sleep because of the huge tumors on his adrenal glands. He got so very sick and it ripped my heart out as I am sure you can imagine. Now I am watching as my other little baby is going down the same road! The surgery that they can have to remove the tumors leaves them with no type of life afterwards. My question is are there any laws in place to regulate these people? If not then who can I contact to get something started? Sincerely heart broken Sondra

Dear Sondra,

I'm am so terrible sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is.

I really can't help you with your question though. I ask myself all the time how Marshalls is able to do what they do. Makes me sick.

I was at a petstore the other day and they had two kits that were so very young. Still had only baby fluff as fur, their tail was half the size it is at even a older kits age. Their bellies were distended like a babies and their faces were shorter and rounder. These kits have already been spuetered and they had them eating dry food.
It was terrible.

I don't know what you can do to stop Marshalls but keep looking into it, kick up a storm. I know this isn't much help but do know that I understand where you are coming from and I feel horrible about what happened to you.

I also wanted to add that many ferrets get adrenal surgery with great results, I would highly recommend trying that if your vet says your ferret is a good candidate.

I know this is of little help, but I really do want you to know you aren't alone and I feel your pain.
