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My Ferret Ate Rubber! NOW WHAT??

21 10:57:25

How Do I Give Him A Laxative??  And What Can I Use Right Now If I Don't Have Ferret Laxative??  Please Help ASAP

All ferret owners should have ferretlax or a cat laxative on hand and be giving it to their ferrets regularly (weekly 1" ribbon) to prevent hairballs from forming in their intestines).

However, assuming that you do NOT have that on hand, either make a trip to the store and get some OR you can give your ferret about a tablespoon of Vaseline (plain, fresh & clean).  If he doesn't take to it immediately, put a few drops of Ferretone on it and he will lick it right down.  It only seems gross to us - they really like it. I've given Vaseline to my kids for years and they lap it up. This MUST be PLAIN VASELINE PETROLEUM JELLY with no other ingredients in it.  

Since your ferret has eaten rubber, you need to seriously go thru your home and ferretproof it more carefully so this doesn't happen again.

You can give him about a teaspoon to tablespoon as often as he will take it - hopefully every few hours - and you must take each and every poop and spread it out on a paper towel and a popsicle stick (or something similar) and spread it on the paper towel until you finally find the rubber he ingested.

IF you don't find the rubber in the poop in the next 48 hours, get your ferret to a vet for a barium xray.  Sometimes the barium itself will bring small items out with it, so be sure to check poops after the barium test also,

Best of luck to you - watch for:  not eating, not pooping, vomiting, pawing at roof of mouth, straining in the litterbox - these are all signs of blockage and mean that you would need to get him to an emergency vet IMMEDIATELY.

Best of luck - let me know how this "comes out", okay?


jacquie rodgers