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scabby fur

21 10:51:19

Hi, one of my hob polecats has scabby, orange ,brown areas on his back which are not itchy, but difficult to comb out, he is 15weeks old and is fed on high quality dried food and cat meat, he likes to swim in a paddling pool , could it be the water?none of my other ferrets have it.He has not lost any fur and is otherwise healthy.

Hello Bobbie,

I would doubt the swimming is causing the scabs since none of your other ferrets are affected.  Check his body over very carefully for any signs of a cause.  Do you notice any flea dirt?  Fleas or mites can go unnoticed by even attentive owners and can cause itching and scabbing.  Your vet could do a quick skin-scrape for mites and check him over for any other parasites. Discontinue using any fabric softeners or any chemical cleaners.  Some ferrets are sensitive and can have allergic reactions to these.  Wash all bedding well and see if that helps.  As far as a cleaner, use VERY dilute warm bleach/water (about a 1:32 dilution... or until the water is no longer "slimy" to the touch).   He could also have a food allergy that is causing the hair loss, even if you are using high quality food! (are we seeing a trend?  It really could be caused by almost anything!)  Have you been using any new products around the house?  If so, discontinue use immediately and see if that helps.

-Cindy P.